Apartment Manager

A system for managing apartments, residents, changes, and defects at Østbanehus apartment building in Copenhagen. Mandatory school project on the 2nd semester of the Computer Science course at Erhvervsakademi Sjælland.



Full demo


The system was created in collaboration with a Danish IT company, Beck IT, which provided requirements and was answering our questions about the project.

The project was made in a group of four students and lasted two months. We had to create a working product and describe our work in a report.

During the work we followed phases of Unified Process. In the Inception phase, we performed business analysis (business model canvas, SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces). In Elaboration, we focused on the requirements. We created vision, identified features, made use cases, and prototypes. In the Construction phase, we designed the system, created various system design diagrams, and developed the system. The last phase was Transition, in which we put finishing touches.

The system was built in C# programming language and .NET Framework 4.5.2. The application was created using Universal Windows Platform 5.3.3. The REST API was developed with ASP.NET Web API 5.2.3 and Entity Framework 6.1.3. A Microsoft SQL Server was used for database. The web API and database were hosted, as well as continuously integrated and deployed on Microsoft Azure.



This repository contains various files that were created throughout the course of the project:


Source code

Git: https://zelent.net/repos/ApartmentManager
GitHub: https://github.com/marcinzelent/ApartmentManager