From a8fe54592f727ddad05040b82ccb490218682d7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: marcinzelent <>
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2020 17:06:41 +0100
Subject: Renamed to Dragon Dust

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 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/crystal_live.mat           | 101 ---------------------
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 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/dragon_detail.mat.meta     |   8 --
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 .../Assets/Textures/dragon_skin_texture.png.meta   |  90 ------------------
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 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/stone_texture.png.meta     |  90 ------------------
 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/trail.mat                  |  77 ----------------
 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/trail.mat.meta             |   8 --
 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/trail.png                  | Bin 86886 -> 0 bytes
 nGJ2019/Assets/Textures/trail.png.meta             |  90 ------------------
 16 files changed, 725 deletions(-)
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(limited to 'nGJ2019/Assets/Textures')

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index 877c23e..0000000
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