import { DataSource } from 'photoswipe'; import PhotoSwipeLightbox from 'photoswipe/lightbox'; import { Slide } from 'photoswipe/dist/types/slide/content'; import PhotoSwipeDynamicCaption from 'photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin'; import PhotoSwipeVideoPlugin from 'photoswipe-video-plugin'; import './Lightbox.css'; import 'photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin/photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin.css'; export function createLightbox(dataSource: DataSource): PhotoSwipeLightbox { const lb = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({ dataSource, pswpModule: async () => await import('photoswipe'), }); const fullscreenSVG = ''; lb.on('uiRegister', () => { lb.pswp?.ui.registerElement({ name: 'fullscreen-button', title: 'Toggle fullscreen', order: 9, isButton: true, html: fullscreenSVG, onClick: () => { toggleFullscreen(); }, }); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new PhotoSwipeDynamicCaption(lb, { type: 'below', captionContent: (slide: Slide) =>, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new PhotoSwipeVideoPlugin(lb, { autoplay: false, }); return lb; } interface WebkitDocument extends Document { webkitExitFullscreen?: () => Promise; webkitFullscreenElement?: Element; [key: string]: any; } interface WebkitHTMLElement extends HTMLElement { webkitRequestFullscreen: () => Promise; [key: string]: any; } interface FullscreenAPI { request: (element: WebkitHTMLElement) => void; exit: () => void; isFullscreen: () => boolean; change: string; error: string; } function getFullscreenAPI(): FullscreenAPI | undefined { let api; let enterFS = ''; let exitFS = ''; let elementFS = ''; let changeEvent = ''; let errorEvent = ''; if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen !== undefined) { enterFS = 'requestFullscreen'; exitFS = 'exitFullscreen'; elementFS = 'fullscreenElement'; changeEvent = 'fullscreenchange'; errorEvent = 'fullscreenerror'; } else if ( (document.documentElement as WebkitHTMLElement).webkitRequestFullscreen !== undefined ) { enterFS = 'webkitRequestFullscreen'; exitFS = 'webkitExitFullscreen'; elementFS = 'webkitFullscreenElement'; changeEvent = 'webkitfullscreenchange'; errorEvent = 'webkitfullscreenerror'; } if (enterFS !== '') { api = { request: (element: WebkitHTMLElement) => { if (enterFS === 'webkitRequestFullscreen') { void element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else { void element.requestFullscreen(); } }, exit: (): void => { return (document as WebkitDocument)[exitFS](); }, isFullscreen: (): boolean => { return (document as WebkitDocument)[elementFS]; }, change: changeEvent, error: errorEvent, }; } return api; } // Toggle full-screen mode function function toggleFullscreen(): void { const fullscreenAPI = getFullscreenAPI(); if (fullscreenAPI !== undefined) { if (fullscreenAPI.isFullscreen()) { // Exit full-screen mode fullscreenAPI.exit(); // Toggle "Exit" and "Enter" full-screen SVG icon display setTimeout(function () { const exitIcon = document.getElementById('pswp__icn-fullscreen-exit'); if (exitIcon !== null) { = 'none'; } const requestIcon = document.getElementById('pswp__icn-fullscreen-request'); if (requestIcon !== null) { = 'inline'; } }, 300); } else { // Enter full-screen mode const pswp = document.querySelector(`.pswp`); if (pswp != null) { fullscreenAPI.request(pswp as WebkitHTMLElement); } // Toggle "Exit" and "Enter" full-screen SVG icon display setTimeout(function () { const exitIcon = document.getElementById('pswp__icn-fullscreen-exit'); if (exitIcon !== null) { = 'inline'; } const requestIcon = document.getElementById('pswp__icn-fullscreen-request'); if (requestIcon !== null) { = 'none'; } }, 300); } } }