import { constants as fsConstants, Dirent } from 'fs'; import { access, mkdir, readdir, readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import path from 'path'; import exifReader from 'exif-reader'; import sizeOf from 'image-size'; import sharp from 'sharp'; import ffmpegPath from 'ffmpeg-static'; import ffprobePath from 'ffprobe-static'; import FfmpegCommand, { FfprobeData } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'; import { DOMParser } from 'xmldom'; import { FeatureCollection, LineString } from 'geojson'; import { gpx } from '@tmcw/togeojson'; import gb from 'geojson-bounds'; import { MediaItem, Group, MediaType } from './models'; import { distanceBetween, secondsToTimeString } from './lib/util'; const promisifiedSizeOf = promisify(sizeOf); interface GroupedFiles { photos: Dirent[]; videos: Dirent[]; geoData: Dirent[]; } interface DimensionsTuple { width: number; height: number; } interface FileError { file: string; error: any; } const failedFiles: FileError[] = []; function setupFfmpeg(): void { if (ffmpegPath === null) { console.warn( 'Could not use built-in FFmpeg. Make sure you have FFmpeg installed, if you want to process videos.', ); return; } FfmpegCommand.setFfmpegPath(ffmpegPath); FfmpegCommand.setFfprobePath(ffprobePath.path); } function hasExtension(filename: string, acceptedExtensions: string[]): boolean { const index = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index < 0) { return false; } const extension = filename.substring(index + 1); return acceptedExtensions.includes(extension); } function hasImageExtension(filename: string): boolean { const acceptedExtensions = [ 'apng', 'avif', 'bmp', 'dib', 'gif', 'jfi', 'jfif', 'jif', 'jpe', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'webp', ]; return hasExtension(filename, acceptedExtensions); } function hasVideoExtension(filename: string): boolean { const acceptedExtensions = ['avi', 'mkv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'webm']; return hasExtension(filename, acceptedExtensions); } function convertCoordinate(coordinate: number[], coordinateRef: string): number | undefined { if (coordinate !== undefined && coordinateRef !== undefined) { const ref = coordinateRef === 'N' || coordinateRef === 'E' ? 1 : -1; return ref * (coordinate[0] + coordinate[1] / 60 + coordinate[2] / 3600); } } function decodeExifUserComment(buffer: Buffer): string { const encoding = buffer.toString('ascii', 0, 7); let index = 8; for (let i = index; i < buffer.length; i++) { if (buffer[i] !== 0) { index = i; break; } } if (encoding === 'ASCII\0\0') { return buffer.toString('utf8', index); } else if (encoding === 'UNICODE') { return buffer.toString('utf16le', index); } else { return buffer.toString(); } } async function checkIfFileExists(filepath: string): Promise { try { await access(filepath, fsConstants.F_OK); return true; } catch (err: any) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return false; } throw err; } } function getNormalImageSize({ width, height, orientation, }: { width: number; height: number; orientation: number; }): DimensionsTuple { return orientation >= 5 ? { width: height, height: width } : { width, height }; } async function resizePhoto( photo: sharp.Sharp, filepath: string, orientation: number, ): Promise { const outputInfo = await photo .withMetadata({ orientation }) .resize({ width: orientation >= 5 ? 1080 : undefined, height: 1080, fit:, withoutEnlargement: true, }) .toFile(filepath); return getNormalImageSize({ ...outputInfo, orientation }); } async function resizePhotoOrGetSize( photo: sharp.Sharp, filepath: string, orientation: number, ): Promise { const absolutePath = path.resolve(filepath); const fileExists = await checkIfFileExists(absolutePath); if (!fileExists) { console.log(`File "${absolutePath}" doesn't exist, resizing the image...`); return await resizePhoto(photo, absolutePath, orientation); } console.log(`File ${absolutePath} already exists, trying to get dimensions of the image...`); try { const dimensions = await promisifiedSizeOf(absolutePath); if (dimensions?.width !== undefined || dimensions?.height !== undefined) { return getNormalImageSize({ width: dimensions.width as number, height: dimensions.height as number, orientation, }); } } catch (err) { console.error(`Could not get the dimensions of the image ${absolutePath}.`); console.error(err); } console.log(`Trying to resize the image ${absolutePath}...`); return await resizePhoto(photo, absolutePath, orientation); } async function generateThumbnail( photo: sharp.Sharp, filepath: string, orientation?: number, ): Promise { const fileExists = await checkIfFileExists(filepath); if (!fileExists) { await photo .withMetadata({ orientation }) .resize({ width: 36, height: 36, withoutEnlargement: true }) .toFile(filepath); } } async function getPhotos( inputDir: string, outputPath: string, serverPath: string, relativePath: string, files: Dirent[], ): Promise { const photos: MediaItem[] = []; for (const file of files) { const inputFile = `${inputDir}/${}`; const outputDir = `${outputPath}/${relativePath}`; try { // load photo using sharp const photo = sharp(inputFile, { failOnError: false }); // read photo metadata const metadata = await photo.metadata(); const exifData = exifReader(metadata.exif); // reformat EXIF coordinates to usable ones const latitude = convertCoordinate(exifData.gps?.GPSLatitude, exifData.gps?.GPSLatitudeRef); const longitude = convertCoordinate( exifData.gps?.GPSLongitude, exifData.gps?.GPSLongitudeRef, ); await mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true }); // resize the photo or get size of existing const outputInfo = await resizePhotoOrGetSize( photo, `${outputDir}/${}`, metadata.orientation ?? 1, ); await generateThumbnail(photo, `${outputDir}/thumb-${}`, metadata.orientation); photos.push({ name:, src: `${serverPath}/${relativePath}/${}`, type: MediaType.Photo, width: outputInfo.width, height: outputInfo.height, latitude, longitude, time: exifData.exif?.DateTimeOriginal, thumbnail: `${serverPath}/${relativePath}/thumb-${}`, caption: decodeExifUserComment(exifData.exif?.UserComment), }); } catch (err) { console.error(`Could not process the file ${inputFile}.`); console.error(err); failedFiles.push({ file: inputFile, error: err }); } } return photos; } async function getVideoInfo(file: string): Promise { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { FfmpegCommand.ffprobe(file, (err, data) => { if (err !== undefined && err !== null) { return reject(err); } return resolve(data); }); }); } async function optimizeVideo(inputFile: string, outputFile: string): Promise { const command = FfmpegCommand(inputFile); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { command .complexFilter(["scale=-2:min'(1080,ih)'"]) .on('progress', (progress) => { console.log(`Processing file ${inputFile}: ${progress.percent as number}% done`); }) .on('error', (err) => reject(err)) .on('end', () => resolve(getVideoInfo(outputFile))) .save(outputFile); }); } async function generateVideoThumbnail( inputFile: string, outputDir: string, outputFileName: string, ): Promise { const command = FfmpegCommand(inputFile); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { command .screenshots({ size: '36x36', count: 1, folder: outputDir, filename: outputFileName }) .on('error', (err) => reject(err)) .on('end', () => resolve()); }); } async function optimizeVideoOrGetInfo(inputFile: string, outputFile: string): Promise { const fileExists = await checkIfFileExists(outputFile); if (!fileExists) { console.log(`File "${outputFile}" doesn't exist, optimizing the video...`); return await optimizeVideo(inputFile, outputFile); } console.log(`File ${outputFile} already exists, trying to get info about the video...`); try { return await getVideoInfo(outputFile); } catch (err) { console.error(`Could not get the info about video ${outputFile}.`); console.error(err); } return await optimizeVideo(inputFile, outputFile); } async function processVideo( inputDir: string, outputPath: string, serverPath: string, relativePath: string, file: Dirent, ): Promise { const inputFile = `${inputDir}/${}`; const outputDir = `${outputPath}/${relativePath}`; const outputFileName = `${,'.'))}.webm`; const outputFile = path.resolve(`${outputDir}/${outputFileName}`); try { await mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true }); // re-encode video or get info about the existing one const info = await optimizeVideoOrGetInfo(inputFile, outputFile); const videoStream = info.streams.find((s) => s.codec_type === 'video'); // generate thumbnail const thumbnailFileName = `thumb-${,'.'))}.jpg`; const thumbnailExists = await checkIfFileExists(`${outputDir}/${thumbnailFileName}`); if (!thumbnailExists) { await generateVideoThumbnail(inputFile, outputDir, thumbnailFileName); } return { name: outputFileName, src: `${serverPath}/${relativePath}/${outputFileName}`, type: MediaType.Video, width: videoStream?.width ?? 0, height: videoStream?.height ?? 0, thumbnail: `${serverPath}/${relativePath}/${thumbnailFileName}`, }; } catch (err) { console.error(`Could not process the file ${inputFile}.`); console.error(err); failedFiles.push({ file: inputFile, error: err }); throw err; } } async function getVideos( inputDir: string, outputPath: string, serverPath: string, relativePath: string, files: Dirent[], ): Promise { const videos: MediaItem[] = []; for (const file of files) { const video = await processVideo(inputDir, outputPath, serverPath, relativePath, file); videos.push(video); } return videos; } async function getMedia( inputDir: string, outputPath: string, serverPath: string, relativePath: string, files: GroupedFiles, ): Promise { const photos = await getPhotos(inputDir, outputPath, serverPath, relativePath,; const videos = await getVideos(inputDir, outputPath, serverPath, relativePath, files.videos); const media = photos.concat(videos); return media; } async function getFiles(inputDir: string): Promise { console.log(`Processing files in ${inputDir} directory...`); const dirents = await readdir(inputDir, { withFileTypes: true }); const files = dirents.reduce( (prev, dirent) => { if (!dirent.isFile()) { return prev; } if (hasImageExtension( {; } else if (hasVideoExtension( { prev.videos.push(dirent); } else if (hasExtension(, ['gpx'])) { prev.geoData.push(dirent); } return prev; }, { photos: [], videos: [], geoData: [] }, ); return files; } async function processGeoData(inputDir: string, files: Dirent[]): Promise { const geoData: FeatureCollection[] = []; for (const file of files) { // read file contents const fileContents = await readFile(`${inputDir}/${}`, 'utf8'); const contentsWithoutNS = fileContents.replace(/\sxmlns[^"]+"[^"]+"/g, ''); // create DOM from string const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(contentsWithoutNS, 'text/xml'); // convert GPX to GeoJSON const track: FeatureCollection = gpx(doc); // add bounding box track.bbox = [gb.xMin(track), gb.yMin(track), gb.xMax(track), gb.yMax(track)]; geoData.push(track); } return geoData; } function createMetadataFromGeoJSON( geoData: FeatureCollection, ): { [key: string]: string | number } | undefined { if (geoData === undefined) { return; } const coordTimes = geoData.features[0].properties?.coordinateProperties?.times; if (coordTimes === undefined || coordTimes?.length === 0) { return; } // time of the first point const start = coordTimes[0]; // time of the last point const end = coordTimes[coordTimes.length - 1]; // total duration in seconds const duration = (new Date(end).getTime() - new Date(start).getTime()) / 1000; const durationString = secondsToTimeString(duration); // distance and speed let totalDistance = 0; const speeds = []; const coords = (geoData.features[0].geometry as LineString).coordinates; for (let i = 0; i < coords.length - 1; i += 1) { const a = [coords[i][1], coords[i][0]]; const b = [coords[i + 1][1], coords[i + 1][0]]; const distance = distanceBetween(a, b); if (distance > 0) { totalDistance += distance; const timeBetween = new Date(coordTimes[i + 1]).getTime() - new Date(coordTimes[i]).getTime(); speeds.push(distance / timeBetween); } } // total distance in km const distance = Math.floor(totalDistance / 10) / 100; // average speed in km/h const speedMps = speeds.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val) / speeds.length; const speed = Math.floor(speedMps * 3600 * 100) / 100; return { duration: durationString, distance, speed }; } async function getGroups( inputPath: string, outputPath: string, serverPath: string, relativePath: string, ): Promise { const dirs = (await readdir(inputPath, { withFileTypes: true })).filter((dirent) => dirent.isDirectory(), ); const groups: Group[] = []; for (const dir of dirs) { const name =; const id = name.replaceAll(' ', '-').toLowerCase(); const inputDir = `${inputPath}/${name}`; const relativeGroupPath = `${relativePath}/${id}`; const files = await getFiles(inputDir); const media = await getMedia(inputDir, outputPath, serverPath, relativeGroupPath, files); media.sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1)); const geoData = await processGeoData(inputDir, files.geoData); const metadata = createMetadataFromGeoJSON(geoData[0]); const group: Group = { id, name, media, geoData, metadata }; if (metadata !== undefined) { group.description = 'Total distance: {distance} km\nDuration: {duration}\nAverage speed: {speed} km/h'; } groups.push(group); } return groups; } async function main(): Promise { if (process.argv[2] === undefined || process.argv[3] === undefined) { console.log( 'Usage: npx ts-node ./src/generate-data.ts [INPUT_PATH] [OUTPUT_PATH] [SERVER_PATH]', ); return; } setupFfmpeg(); const inputPath = process.argv[2]; const outputPath = process.argv[3]; const serverPath = process.argv[4] ?? ''; const name = path.basename(inputPath); const id = name.replaceAll(' ', '-').toLowerCase(); const groups = await getGroups(inputPath, outputPath, serverPath, id); const trip = { id, name, groups }; const tripJson = JSON.stringify(trip); const outputDir = `${outputPath}/${id}`; const outputFile = `${outputDir}/index.json`; console.log(`Writing output to ${outputFile}...`); try { await mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true }); await writeFile(outputFile, tripJson); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (failedFiles.length > 0) { console.error( `Failed to process:\n${failedFiles .map((f) => `- ${f.file}\n ${f.error as string}`) .join('\n')}`, ); } } void main();