AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-16Moved API to separate folder.marcinzelent
2017-12-12Added unit tests and fixed some bugs.Marcin Zelent
2017-12-04Added levels of AQI.marcinzelent
2017-12-04Changed e-mail address.marcinzelent
2017-12-04Sending e-mail if value is bigger or equal 151.marcinzelent
2017-12-04Improved calculating of AQI and sending e-mail.marcinzelent
2017-12-01Fixed e-mail layout.marcinzelent
2017-12-01Added periodical checking of pollution and sending e-mail.marcinzelent
2017-12-01Added method for sending e-mail.marcinzelent
2017-12-01Changed name of the project.marcinzelent